A strategic sourcing solution for third-party and independent planners
Fully commissionable to third-party and independent meeting planners
You’ll love the simplicity and benefits, including:
Fully customizable Bid Summary technology, eliminating hours of spreadsheet work
Our RFP Genie; Create a detailed RFP of any size in minutes
Ad-Free Global Search - Find venues fast
Give customers a bird's-eye view of the bid process with iSite™
Customize and track each customer’s account separately within illuminate3P
“One Click” reporting by customer or meeting
Commission tracking and forecasting for better visibility into your business
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We'll demonstrate how illuminate3P addresses the specific needs of independent and third-party meeting planners to help get more done with less frustration. Register Now >
FREE TRIAL Send 5 meetings through illuminate3P for free - there’s no risk and no obligation. We’re confident that after 5 meetings you won't want to go back.
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Take it for a spin! Send 5 meetings through illuminate3P. There’s no time limit, source risk-free with no obligation and no credit card necessary to create your free account.
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